Home Learning
All students are set homework via the Edulink app which can be accessed by both parents/carers and students. It has been proven that home learning is most beneficial when completed with the support of parents/carers. All home learning that we set is intended to help pupils progress and engage with a subject. Home learning is used to:
- Help pupils consolidate knowledge covered in class
- Help pupils prepare and research in advance of new topics
- Develop independent study skills
- Demonstrate understanding and progress
- Offer students the opportunity to take responsibility for their own work
- Develop time management skills
- Enable parents/carers to become involved in the academic process
- Encourage dialogue between home and school
All homework tasks are set on the EduLink app with full instructions and deadlines. This can be viewed by both students and parents/carers at any time.
As a guide students are expected to spend the following number of minutes on Home Learning per night.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Home Learning Apps
How to support effective home learning:
Provide somewhere suitable for your child to work; ideally at a flat surface such as at a table with a comfortable chair.
Let your child do their own work!
Help them create routine: a snack, a time of day, a set amount of work.
Allow for different learning styles. Some children work best whilst listening to music, some like a quiet environment. Find out what works best for your child.
Provide study materials and an area to store these so that your child has all the equipment they need without having to empty out a schoolbag each night.
Remove distractions where possible; it isn’t true that most children do their best work in front of the tv! Also, whilst mobile phones can be useful for research tasks, children find it very difficult to ignore social media alerts which can be become intrusive and distracting.
Ask to see what your child has completed. Encourage discussion about the home learning and what they understand about it. All discussion about schoolwork is a good discussion, even if they are telling you they don’t enjoy a subject and why.