our community links
Beauchamps High School prides itself as being at the heart of a warm and friendly community. Integral to the Beauchamps family ethos is the importance we place upon our students’ understanding that as a school , we are part of a wider family and we both offer and are offered many opportunities to spend time in the community as whole, to participate in local charity work and to work with other key organisations.
Working with Essex Police
As a school we work with Essex Police on local issues, learning about the work that they do and how we can work together to make our community a safer place.


Every Christmas the Shoebox Appeal is run by the ERP Department and
Each Christmas staff and students join in the local Santa Run for our local Havens Hospices. Â
The harvest festival
Every year we collect fodd for our local foodbank (not going ahead this year due to Covid- will commence again next May/June)

First Give Programme

Every Year we run the First Give Programme. Teams of students make presentions bidding for funds to support local charities
Work with local primary schools
Our Transition Leader and our Library staff running a transition reading group with year 6 students from a local primary school. Literacy/library based activities are followed by a 30-minute group read and discussion.

A team of intrepid Y7 litter picking volunteers (our community ambassadors) join forces with the site staff each day to collect litter around the school in the mornings during form time, helping to keep our school community clean and tidy for all.