Exams Information

GCSE and BTEC L2 Review of Results 2023 Request-Form

GCE and BTEC L3 Review of Results 2023 Request-Form

Important Information

GCSE examinations start at 9.00am in the morning and 1.30pm in the afternoon unless otherwise advised. You need to line up outside the relevant exam room 30 minutes before these times. Please check your individual candidate timetable with regards to the room that your examination is being held in.

Examination Absences

If you miss any of your examinations you may NOT be able to re-sit them again this year. If you are ill and cannot take the exam, you must telephone the school immediately and leave a message for the Examinations Staff. You must provide a medical certificate from your doctor in order for us to provide this information to the examination board. If you do not have a genuine reason for missing any of your examinations you will be charged for the exams missed.