”Wellbeing is a key priority within the Beauchamps family and promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing is embedding within the school community. We recognise dealing with issues such as anxiety, low mood, mental health, wellbeing, self-regulation, or bereavement can be a barrier to success.
We support students mental and emotional health in a range of ways in school:
Whole school approach
Quality first teaching which includes differentiations
Year Leads
Support which is guided by the pastoral team and takes place on site within the school day
In-school specialist support
Support which is likely to occur mostly outside the mainstream classroom but sill on school site
External specialist support
Support which is likely to occur using services external to school staff and may occur on or off school site
On school site, we offer a variety of support which include:
- Year Leads mentoring
- Wellbeing mentoring
- Wellbeing drop-ins during break and lunch times
- Thrive Approach sessions
- Nurture Groups
- Youth Worker
- Bi-monthly visits from the school nurse
- Young carers support
- Social and Emotional support
- Anxious School refusal support
If a student is worried about their mental health or someone, they know at Beauchamps High School they are provided with a pathway in school that supports them to speak to staff member.
Here are some activities to try at home to suport your wellbeing.
Navigating the Exam Season Resources – with Place2Be
– advice for young people, schools and families on managing exam and results day stress. Â
The PACE Model
These apps are mainly free to install but may offer in-app purchases or require use of data.
Please check the app provider’s terms and condition and get the bill payer’s permission.
These apps offer a form of help but do not replace professional help or treatment.
The above App is called Combined Minds
and is specifically for parents who have
children with mental health difficulties