Beauchamps High School’s ethos of encouragement is central to the promotion of good behaviour and achievement. Students are rewarded for their accomplishments in a wide variety of ways, one of which is recognition of positive conduct and achievements through the awarding of badges. These badges are handed to those individuals who have met the following aspirant criteria.
Student Rewards

Students will need 97% or better attendance for the year to receive their ATTENDANCE badge.

Students will need 100% punctuality for the year to receive their PUNCTUALITY badge.

Students are given a grading of 1-4 on their termly reports for their Attitude to Learning. Students who achieve an average of 1.5 or above across the year will receive the Attitude badge.

If any student is performing at an average of 0.5 grades or better in KS4 they will achieve their PROGRESS Badge.

Any student who demonstrates outstanding attitude to learning in a lesson may be awarded a Merit (KS3) or Commendation (KS4). MERIT/COMMENDATION badges will be given to top achievers in each year group at the end of the year.