

At Beauchamps High School we intend to provide our students with a set of skills that will allow them to access their intended destinations post-16, post-18 and further into their adult life. This is not only promoted through regular events to raise awareness of the range of options after leaving Beauchamps, such as with Further Education providers, Higher Education providers, and Apprenticeships organisations, but also throughout all lessons using our skills-based approach. The eight employability skills outlined by Skills Builder; speaking, listening, creativity, problem solving, aiming high, staying positive, teamwork, and leadership, are all fundamentals throughout the curriculum from Year 7 to Year 13. Through this broad approach of demonstrating skills for the future, the intention is for students to be able to see the cross-curricular benefits of all subjects, whilst having something tangible to take into their future applications and interviews to show their suitability for their intended next steps. From our most recently verified set of destinations data, 96% of students went on to Further Education, employment or training, a figure above the national average. The next steps of the students are also used as a means of informing the following year’s Careers programme, as it makes it apparent if there are any possible routes that students seem to have less awareness of than others, allowing us to put the appropriate support in place to ensure every student makes a fully informed decision on their future.

Mrs Brittain
Associate Assistant Headteacher – Strategic Careers Lead
01268 735466

Careers Advice

Mrs Raymond is our Careers Coordinator who meets with students across the school, but predominantly in Years 11-13 to discuss their next steps and future career plans. With Year 11 students, the next steps following completion of their GCSE exams are discussed, whether this is staying on at Beauchamps Sixth Form, attending another Further Education provider, or starting an apprenticeship. For Year 13 students we discuss whether they would like to attend university, look for an apprenticeship, including degree apprenticeships, or start employment in their chosen field. Mrs Raymond is also available to students in other year groups to discuss their future career plans or to provide help choosing their options.

For any queries about careers advice, please email

Important Documents

Useful Links

Early Careers – East of England Region

The UK’s largest platform for apprenticeships, graduate roles, internships, and trainee positions, we offer students valuable opportunities.