Welcome to our new admissions page and thank you for considering us. If we are your preferred choice, your child will be joining one of the most successful schools in Essex where we have a long tradition of outstanding performance. Examination results at the school are amongst the best in Essex and we place a strong emphasis on the quality of teaching and learning. As a student, your child will be expected to work hard at all times and to always do their best but we strive to ensure that all learners feel happy and safe, promoting a love of learning. The school has high expectations on behaviour, attendance, punctuality and appearance. Our students are expected to be polite, respectful and helpful, and to wear their uniform with pride. Beauchamps High School is an exciting place and I hope to welcome you into the Beauchamps family.
Mr Harper

admission arrangements

Year 7 Admissions key dates:

Deadline for applications for Year 7 in September 2025: 31 October 2024
National Offer day: 3 March 2025
Deadline for lodging appeals to be heard before the summer holidays: 25 April 2025 (please see link below for Appeal form)
Appeal Hearings: Week commencing Monday 9 June 2025

If you have any questions regarding admissions, please email with full details of your enquiry and a contact telephone number. Parents wishing to apply for a mid-year transfer to Beauchamps from another secondary school, must make an application directly with the school by completing the Mid Year Application Form on the link below. Please ensure page 3 of the form is completed by your child’s current or previous school prior to submitting your application.  Once all pages are complete, please return to the school for the attention of the Admissions Officer, either by posting a paper copy or by scanning and emailing to the admissions email address as above.

Transition Information


Donated Uniform shop

In order to support parents/carers with the purchase of uniform, the school operates a Donated Uniform shop. Please contact  to enquire about available stock, quoting size of item required. Items can be collected from the Main Office between 8am and 4pm during term time. A donation for any items taken can be made by cash, cheque or online via the SCOPay app. If you have any unwanted, clean, good condition uniform that you would  like to donate, please drop these items off at the Main Reception.

Our uniform:

  • A black blazer with school badge
  • Plain white cotton/polycotton formal traditional blouse/traditional shirt with a collar, buttoned to the neck and worn with school tie, school crest to be fully visible just below the knot
  • Beauchamps High School skirt or formal black trousers of standard length (plain black belt worn through belt-loops optional). Tight trousers and jeans not permitted. No other forms of skirts or trousers are acceptable
  • Plain black formal flat shoes (not boots, trainers/sports shoes or other footwear such as Vans/Converse or similar)
  • Plain black or white knee length or ankle socks or plain black or beige tights


  • Plain black knitted ‘V’ neck pullover or cardigan (not sweatshirt or tracksuit top). Hoodies can be worn over blazer as a coat (not in school)


MAKE-up & jewellery:
  • Subtle and light make-up , including clear nail varnish, is permitted. False eyelashes are not permitted. Fingernails MUST be kept short to prevent injury to other students. Nails should not be seen from the underside of the finger.Acrylic and gel nails are permitted, providing they are rounded and not sharp in any way
  • Jewellery, The only jewellery that can be worn is a watch and up to two piercings in each ear. These should be STUDS only (no hoops/rings/spacers etc), no larger than the diameter of a standard pen (8mm in width). The piercings may be on any part of the ear. No other form of jewellery or body piercing is allowed

Extreme, unnatural hair styles and colours are not permitted

Students who are not in full school uniform should report to their Year Leader upon arrival in school with a note from their parents/carers stating the reason. A uniform note or appropriate sanction will be issued. Parents/carers may also be contacted.

Please note: the PE uniform rules do not apply to the 6th Form Football Academy


Sports Kit and Equipment

  • Black & red sports top with school logo (with optional base layer in red/black/white)
  • Black unbranded PE shorts with red piping
  • Black & red football socks
  • Trainers (no plimsolls)
  • White ankle sports socks (indoor & summer term)
  • Plastic-studded (moulded) footwear suitable for use on 3G pitch
  • Shin pads
  • Red sweatshirt with school logo (optional)
  • Black thermal top/base layer (optional)
  • Plain black sports leggings to be worn underneath shorts (optional)
  • Black Beauchamps branded sports leggings (optional)
  • Plain black track suit bottoms (optional)
  • Gum shield (highly recommended)
  • Towel
  • Earrings must be removed for PE. If ears have recently been pierced, students must cover them securely with tape during the
    healing period and have a note from parent/carer



Mobile phones and devices are banned in school. Students are very aware of the potential distractions caused to learning and the negative impact on face-to-face relationships that mobile devices can pose to young people.
We understand that many parents support their child having a phone with them for their journey to and from school. Therefore, we will be allowing phones in school, but they must be switched off from the moment they arrive on school site and must be kept in their school bag. Mobile phones stored in pockets will not be allowed, it is essential that all students have a robust school bag every day for their school equipment and their phone should they choose to bring it to school. Students who are diabetic and rely on their phones to monitor their sugar levels, will have individual plans for mobile phone use in school.

We operate a ‘don’t see it, don’t hear it, don’t lose it’ approach to mobile phones and devices. Any breach of the mobile phone rules will result in a consequence. If a member of staff sees a mobile phone, they will confiscate the phone. If the student complies with the confiscation, the phone can then be collected at the end of the school day. The same applies to ear-pods or a Smart-Watch which is being used for anything other than telling the time. If a student does not initially comply with the confiscation, the phone will need to be collected at the end of the school day by a parent/carer. Each confiscation will be logged and repeat offenders will receive an appropriate sanction in line with our school behaviour policy. Similarly, if a student refuses to hand over a mobile phone, the relevant sanction will be applied.

Lockers and CYCLING


You can hire a locker for which you will need a large sized padlock.

You will receive details regarding the hire of lockers at the start of the school year.


If you wish to cycle/scoot to school, you must register your bike/scooter. Registration forms are available from your Year Leader or you can click the link below.

Please ensure that your bike/scooter is fully roadworthy and it is your responsibility to follow the Highway Code. In the interest of safety, cycling/scooting is banned on the school premises. All bikes/scooters should be locked in the bike shed with a quality bike lock.


Each day you should bring:

· A strong bag, big enough to carry all your school books for the day

· A pencil case containing a pen (preferably black), green pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, colouring pencils, a pair of compasses and an angle measurer

​· A calculator

· A packed lunch or money to top up your cashless account

​· PE kit on the day you have Competitive Sports

Learning Support Department

Beauchamps High School’s Learning Support Department is well-equipped and experienced in a wide variety of syndromes, learning needs and disabilities. Our staff are highly trained to offer effective support to all students. We pride ourselves in catering for the individuals’ needs through successful intervention programmes. We do not have a ‘one size fits all approach’. We have a good reputation for facilitating learning, ensuring progress and achievement for all students. We are a fully inclusive school and as such, much of the teaching and learning takes place within the mainstream curriculum.

We are a large, strong team who are deeply committed to ensuring accessibility across the curriculum for all students. We strongly believe that all students are entitled to a full and vibrant education and as a result we work closely with parents, pupils and external agencies to ensure each pupil meets their full potential, academically, socially and emotionally.

Please refer to the Key School Information page for details of the Beauchamps High School SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Report and School Offer.


Click here to access the SEND information on the DfE website.Â