At Beauchamps High School we endeavour to have a curriculum that is underpinned by our vision and core values. At the heart of this is our commitment to ensure that every student is able to achieve their best and beyond. Running alongside this, our family culture promotes wellbeing, an enjoyment of being at school and a love of learning.

So our innovative curriculum has been implemented to:

  • Provide true breadth to widen knowledge and to develop a mastery of understanding
  • Maximise the potential of all our students to unlock doors for future steps in their life journey
  • Provide the opportunity for staff to inspire our students and promote a love of learning and an enjoyment of school


At Beauchamps High School we have a three-year Key Stage 3, Years 7 to 9.



Students join us in Year 7 with a wide variance in prior learning and Key Stage 2 experiences.  All Year 7 classes are mixed ability.  Skilled differentiation enables lower ability students to make more rapid progress through the support of peers and by having higher aspirations from the modelling of other students.  More able students are challenged with extensions to the curriculum and a varied enrichment programme. 

As well as the Core Subjects of Maths, English, Science, French, ERP and Humanities, we offer creative/practical subjects including Music, Drama, Art, PE and Food Technology. 

All students follow the Accelerated Reading programme which is in line with our commitment to developing reading skills and an enjoyment of reading.  This is further developed outside of the classroom with other extracurricular activities such as reading breakfast clubs, which involve parents, staff and sixth form students listening to Key Stage 3 students read before school.

Quality intervention is provided in Maths and English in Year 7 for those not considered “secondary ready” to enable students to catch-up with their peers as soon as possible. 

A very wide range of extracurricular activities support our main aims for our curriculum, widening choice and promoting an enjoyment of learning. 

Year 8

In Year 8, classes are set using the full range of data collected in Year 7.  A wide range of subjects building on Year 7 are offered in Year 8 with the introduction of Citizenship. 

Citizenship is delivered as a discrete subject in Year 8 and 9 with many students working towards accreditation.  This provides a framework and structure for delivery and a certified qualification for the students.  This course prepares our students for life beyond education, and helps us promote British values.

There is a mini-options process in the Summer of Year 8, with students having the opportunity to create a bespoke element to their Year 9 curriculum.

Year 9

Year 9 is very much a blended year and highlights our commitment to students having a broad and balanced education at Beauchamps High School.  Our core subjects of Maths, English and Science, as well as our other EBACC subjects of French, History and Geography, begin to cover some skills from the GCSE curriculum.  This enables students to develop a mastery of these subjects and spend more time exploring and questioning key concepts, to instil an enjoyment of the subject. 

In the Spring of Year 9, students undertake their full-options process.

Year 10 and Year 11 – Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11, students have three pathways, EBACC, Non-EBACC and Non-EBACC (Support).  Students and parents are given a great deal of careers advice to support their option choices and although the banding system is based on academic performance in Year 7 to Year 9, the school supports all students to ensure they are following the right curriculum to develop their individual talents and strengths. 

We are totally committed to offering a broad choice of subjects at Key Stage 4.  Applied options including PE, ICT, Construction and Hair and Beauty are available.  Some qualifications are offered in our Non-EBACC (Support) pathway, even though they do not count towards P8 calculations.  Our curriculum is driven by what is right for our students, not performance measures.

Students work towards their GCSE English Literature in Year 10 and English Language in Year 11.  The primary reason for the early entry is to improve student wellbeing, enabling students to split the required workload of the two English courses.  It also gives students the opportunity to taste success and prepare for the pressures of Year 11.  For some students a slightly lower grade may be achieved, but we believe the holistic benefit for the child in terms of wellbeing is paramount.


Every student will experience PSHE mapped closely as a cross curricular subject through their various subject areas. PSHE lesson objectives will be made clear in relevant lessons, and allow students the opportunity to develop their understanding in those lessons with the relevance to their lives or the world around them. Lessons will be mapped closely to the DfE guidance on PSHE coverage to ensure that DfE guidelines are met. This will then be enhanced through half termly whole school themes, where assembly and tutor time resources will be used to promote and develop student’s understanding on several key issues including diversity, anti-bullying, and mental health, and further promoted by various departments in the school who are linked to those differing themes.

Our school vision is to ensure that every student feels part of a family, in which everyone aspires to achieve their best and beyond. As a family, it is our intent to raise matters which affect us all, and ensure students are aware of the differing ways in which we are all affected by them. In the first half of the Autumn term, as part of our PSHE provision, these matters include diversity, and involve opening up discussions about the diverse community within our school in order to promote one of our key school values, that our family believes in mutual respect and courtesy.

PSHE details including Half Termly Themes 

Ethics, Religion and Philosophy

In Years 7 to 9 ERP is delivered in discrete lessons by specialist staff.  These lessons provide students with a broad and diverse study of religious and secular views on ethical and philosophical matters in the modern world.  Careful curriculum planning has also enabled ERP lessons to reinforce a variety of key concepts from PSHE and promote British Values alongside a strong sense of community.

Homework and Extra-Curricular

Our curriculum extends beyond the classroom.  Homework is an essential part of our delivery model.  It promotes independence, reinforces class learning and is vital in helping students to recall knowledge.  

A huge range of extracurricular clubs, activities, trips and visits also helps to ensure we offer a breadth of experiences and opportunities.

Careers and Independent Advice and Guidance 

CIAG runs as a core thread throughout our curriculum.  Subject Leaders ensure their delivery models maximise opportunities to explore ways in which their subjects can enhance the students’ knowledge of careers.  A comprehensive extracurricular programme, from Year 7 to Year 13, ensures all students are well prepared for their key decision points and life beyond Beauchamps High School.

Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form curriculum offers three pathways, and a flexibility offered by few other providers.  This ensures students can follow a curriculum that is bespoke to them.

Pathway 1 Pathway 2 Pathway 3
Programme of Study

3 or 4 A Levels


Level 3 Core Maths or Functional Maths enrichment


Extended Project


A combination of

A Level and BTEC courses


Level 3 Functional Maths enrichment

1 full time BTEC or a combination of BTEC courses


Level 3 Functional Maths enrichment

Running alongside our academic provision, we have Wednesday enrichment afternoons, the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award and an elite football academy programme.



The impact of our curriculum design cannot be measured by academic outcomes.  Academic exam results are one part of measuring impact, but this is not what underpins our curriculum design.

To measure the impact of our curriculum we must look at how well our curriculum is enabling us to fulfil the intent

  • Provide true breadth to widen knowledge and to develop a mastery of understanding
  • Maximise the potential of all our students to unlock doors for future steps in their life journey
  • Provide the opportunity for staff to inspire our students and promote a love of learning and an enjoyment of school

Strong GCSE and A Level results go some way to evidencing impact of the knowledge and mastery students gain, but it goes much further.  Skills and knowledge developed in all lessons are not always tested in an exam.  Our school vision seeks to ensure all students reach their best and beyond, and our curriculum attempts to make this possible for all. Enabling students to experience success, raises aspirations and leads to their chosen pathway.  Our destinations data suggests that our curriculum is offering excellent opportunities for our students to take the next step in their journey.

At the heart of our school vision is our commitment to promote a love of learning within our Beauchamps High School family, being happy at school, and ensuring wellbeing for all.  Our curriculum enables students to follow pathways bespoke to them, to enjoy their lessons, to enhance their love of learning through a rich extra-curricular offer, and to leave Beauchamps High School ready for their next steps, but more importantly with many happy memories of their time at school